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  • 12 Acts of Humility in the Workplace
April 27, 2022

Humility is hard. Especially when you put a bunch of people together for 40-50 hours a week, crammed in tight work-spaces and forced to work together for an end goal. It is hard not to take the credit. It is hard to remember your weaknesses in the face of other people’s weaknesses. It is hard to have face-to-face conversations.

It is a daily battle to humble yourself and serve the other employees in your office, however you can make the difference in workplace morale. Here are some thoughts on how humility affects the workplace:

Humility Means…

  1. Not having to take the credit for a job well done
  2. Remembering your weaknesses when you are faced with the weaknesses of others
  3. Living in an understanding manner even when you don’t want to understand
  4. Doing the hard work of face-to-face conversations rather than emailing
  5. Knowing people’s names by their faces, not their email addresses
  6. Speaking highly of other people and other offices
  7. Taking every opportunity to serve other people, proud people want to be served
  8. You remember the God given gifts and talents of others
  9. Encouraging your fellow employees inside your office and outside your office
  10. When anxiety sets in, you cast your cares on God first and foremost
  11. Shutting your mouth, asking questions, and listening without judgment
  12. Remembering the vision for why you are here on this earth, and letting that set the tone of your attitude

As you can see, humility is not something that is unattainable, but you can achieve it through small, daily acts. Today, take some time to reflect on how you can affect the people around you through humility. It may only take one act of kindness to encourage someone else towards humility.

Who are people that you know that emulate humility in the workplace?