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  • 8 Top Podcasts for Christian Leaders
September 7, 2015

Leaders must grow in their area of expertise, stay up with current trends and develop personally. In order to keep up, good leaders have a steady flow of information intake. How are you to do this with limited time and resources? One of the best ways I have found is to listen to podcasts. I listen when I am getting ready in the morning, on my commute to work, and when I am working on those Saturday projects.

Here are some of my favorites:

1. The Briefing by Albert Mohler is a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian Worldview.  The first thing I do in the morning is download The Briefing and listen while I am getting ready for the day. It acclimates me to what is going on in the world from an excellent Christian thinker. Full disclosure, I used to work on this podcast, but I still listen because I believe in the content.

2. ProBlogger Podcast by Darren Rowse is dedicated to bloggers trying to build a platform blogging. Darren’s material has been extremely helpful in my personal blog, and I am going through his 31 Days to Build a Better Blog material currently.

3. The EntreLeadership Podcast from Dave Ramsey’s Team desires to teach EntreLeaders how to win at business. They define EntreLeadership as “the process of leading to cause a venture to grow and prosper.” There material on hiring has been super helpful with all the hiring that I have done.

4. This is Your Life with Michael Hyatt is dedicated to intentional leadership. His goal is to help you “live with more passion, work with greater focus, and lead with extraordinary influence. I especially liked his material on Building Your Platform and productivity.

5. Truth in Love by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors discusses practical solutions to problems we face in a fallen world. The podcast launched about 3 months ago, but answers some questions that the average Christian is asking.

6. Self Publishing Questions by Steve Scott answers common questions people have about running a book based business. Recently, I have been considering writing a book and asking the question “what is the best platform to launch this book?” Steve Scott has some great material on the topic.

7. Hit Publish hosted by Amy Harrison shares winning tips and techniques in marketing. Geared towards entry-level to intermediate-level online marketing. I just started listening to this to get some more knowledge about marketing under my belt. It has been a great way for me to learn more about marketing.

8. Serial and Undisclosed are two podcasts dealing with the murder of a 17-year-old girl named Hae Min Lee. Adnon Syed was convicted and sentence to a live in prison, yet many people don’t believe he did it. Every good leader needs something that gives them rest from the daily worries of work. Serial and Undisclosed helps keep my mind active, but still gives me rest from the daily grind.

What are your favorite podcasts?