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  • Advance the Gospel through Every Circumstance
November 10, 2014

Death by Productivity

These days, whether Christian and Non-Christian, everyone is talking about life-planning, goal setting and productivity. Certainly you could pick up a copy of A Purpose-driven Life-plan or Gospel-centered Goals at your local Christian book store. Furthermore, there are plenty of blogs, books, e-books, seminars, sermons, podcasts, webcasts, youtube videos, Godtube videos, all designed to get your goals and priorities in order.

Never would I say these tools are bad. I personally use many of these resources to structure and organize my life. Yet, sometimes I find myself drowning in the middle of all my goals and the pressures of the world to “be productive.” And what about the times in your life when your circumstances seem to have a death grip around your neck? Where is your life-plan when you’re dealing with a friend or family member passing away? Where are your goals when a friend tells me he is leaving his wife or you just found out about your son’s pornography addiction?

As questions pilled on to questions I asked myself this: is there one phrase I could rehearse everyday that would help direct and guide my every step, no matter the circumstance?


Advance the Gospel


As a follower of Christ, I do see this life as important. God placed me and is keeping me on this earth for a reason. That reason is to Advance The Gospel Through Every Circumstance. Though daily, monthly and life-long goals are good to have, ultimately they must be subsumed under the banner of “Advancing the Gospel.” Furthermore, our lives will be filled with normal days and days that are mind-numbingly difficult. Still, the final goal doesn’t change: advance the Gospel through every circumstance.

So just as the imprisoned Apostle Paul asked the church of Colossae to pray “that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ,” I implore you to pray for me. That you and I might “make it [the Gospel] clear, which is how I ought to speak” (Col 4:4).

Join Me

Furthermore, I ask you to join me. Join me in placing all your goals, under the highest goal following Christ. Join me in organizing my life in a way that seeks God’s goal, the advance of the Gospel. Join me in waking up everyday asking the question, how will I advance the gospel through my circumstances today?

I hope and pray that my life, this blog and yes, even my twitter account, would be an encouragement to your soul and directing you to the highest goal: Advancing The Gospel Through Every Circumstance.

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QUESTION: what is one way you advance the gospel in your everyday life?